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City vs. Country Living: Which One Is Better?

There is a big difference between city and country life. When you think about a city, you probably think of constant activity and culture. You can go downstairs for a midnight snack, and there’s a good chance you’ll find a few 24/7 spots. Speaking about country living, people may imagine themselves sitting on their front porch swing with one foot inside or out while watching all those cows graze in the fields around them!

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Is there a big difference between living in the city vs. rural area?

There is an opinion that living in a country makes it hard to access goods or services. A few years ago, you would be right – living in the city opened access to large markets with specialized goods and services. But today transportation and streamlined supply chain management make many of these services accessible everywhere. We even have courier companies with guaranteed next-day delivery. Of course, there are certain cases where the delivery service can’t keep up, and the convenience of picking up something within the hour is always tempting.

Another discrepancy between urban and rural life is the labor market. As you get closer to a city, wages tend to be higher as the metropolitan area’s density doubles. 

Along with this comes housing. But you have cultural values ​​that compensate for this price disparity. 

Another reality of city life is that crime rates tend to be higher, but being prepared and knowing what to look out for can help.

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Advantages of living in the city

living in the city

1. Accessibility

There is an endless list of pros when it comes to living in the city. The big advantage is your access to almost everything you have at your fingertips. You can go out to dinner, watch a show, visit a museum and walk through the park in one day with some free time.

2. Lifestyle

This goes hand in hand with culture and diversity. Getting to know different people from all walks of life is very important, especially in the world we live in today. This lifestyle introduces you to the new food, music, fashion, languages, and more.

3. Employment opportunities

Another advantage of living in the city is the possibility of employment. If you are a young person starting your career, you will often have to move to a new city. There are always new things happening for you to check out with friends, and there are more people to meet who can also make it easier to get to know cities.

4. Infrastructure

Even though city life is associated with buildings, cars, and noise, you can still find beautiful parks to spend a sunny day. And when you want to get out of the city, you always have easy access to planes or trains. 

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Disadvantages of living in the city

1. Fast rhythm of life

Although the city has a lot to do, it can be overwhelming. Instead of spending a leisurely day at home, you may feel the need to constantly use what you have at your disposal. With this way of life, a lot of anxiety can arise. The fear of missing out can prevent you from having the day of rest you need for your mental health.

Life in the city can feel like a bubble, and there is always something going on. It can be boring for some, or it can have negative consequences and make you appreciate small things.

2. Higher costs of living

It is not only the housing that has become more expensive but so has the overall cost of living. It can be harder to save money for the future. If you are planning a family, this is worth considering. Not only is it much more expensive to support a family in the city, but it is also a unique experience for a child. Depending on where you live, private schools are expensive and public schools may not be the best. Though it is not always the case.

3. Air pollution

Living in a city can mean living without a lot of nature. It lacks open space compared to the countryside, and living in a house with a patio or roof is usually expensive. Also, cities are more polluted than rural areas, so air quality may not be the best.

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Advantages of living in the country

living in the country

1. The beauty of nature

There is no doubt that there is something charming about country life. Open space, silence, peace, and clean air make this option attractive. There is a general connection to nature that you don’t usually get in a big city.

2. More affordable prices

Chances are you can find a lot of living space on acres of land for less money than you would spend on an 800-square-foot apartment in the city. Goods and services are usually more affordable depending on your income and expenses.

3. Less stress and more rest

You always have more time to relax. You can go outside and go for a leisurely walk, gardening, or head to the local farm for fresh produce.

If you want your kids to run outside and explore, a country living is the best choice.

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Disadvantages of living in the country

1. Isolation

Like anywhere else, living in the countryside has its downsides. Given the open space and small population, country life can be a bit isolated. You may have to drive a few miles to get essentials. In case of an emergency, this can be time-consuming and inconvenient.

2. Limited opportunities

If you live in a small town, you may have less privacy. And the fewer people around, the less likely you are to meet someone special or make new friends.

Opportunities are often limited in rural areas. It means less variety in cuisine, culture, and shopping.

3. Lack of infrastructure

When you live in the countryside, a car is a must. Public transport is not so accessible. Additional costs for the car maintenance are important factors when moving. Private airports tend to be expensive, making air travel difficult, and the distance to a large airport can take time.

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  • Country vs. city living: which is cheaper?

Housing prices in rural areas are usually lower. And if it is hard for you to find a house you like, there is always an option to buy land and build your own. 

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  • What are the differences between city vs. country living?

It is all about lifestyles. For those who like to be at arm’s length from places and people, the city is your choice. While some people may prefer to escape to the comfortable countryside.

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  • Environment

One of the most noticeable differences between urban and rural life is the environment. City life is very different from rural life in the countryside, and those who move from a big city can often experience culture shock, to say the least, and vice versa. A crowded and dynamic city exudes excitement while living in the countryside is much slower and more peaceful.

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  • Distance to places

Living in the city means everything is at your doorstep, from supermarkets, shops, and pharmacies. You can easily walk to any place and, as a bonus, exercise more and reduce your carbon footprint. Whereas in a country with its secluded nature and countryside a car is usually required to get anywhere.

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  • Noise

If you prefer peace and quiet, big cities and their city life are not for you. The hustle and bustle of a city with 24/7 traffic, street chatter, and crowded restaurants may be comforting to some, but not for everyone. Others may crave the luxury of peace and quiet and fresh country air that comes with country living.

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Some people prefer to live in big cities, while others enjoy living in the country. You can enjoy the city in your 20s and move to the suburbs in your 30s, or you can come from the country and decide that the city is more suitable for you. Whatever you do, we can help you become the owner of the home of your dreams.

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